When The Night Comes By Drizl
Don't leave anything on your list Jasper. Live the life you want, not the one
everyone expects. If you think about it, settling ain't really living. Can
Jasper find the life he wants during the light of day or is it best left in the
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Complete
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6153886/1/When_the_Night_Comes This story starts out with Jasper waking up in a strange place, with someone he doesn't know...again. His phone is ringing and whoever it is just won't stop. He answers it and is surprised to hear Alice Brandon's voice. She tells him his mom is terminally ill, and doesn't have alot of time. If he wants to see her he needs to come home now. Jasper knew she was sick, but he's avoided everything for so long. After hanging up from Alice, Jasper's hit with the memories, memories he's tried to bury deeply or forget all together. No amount of alcohol, drugs or sex has worked. He still has it bad for Edward Cullen, and he truly fears what going home might mean.
Five years ago, Jasper, his twin sister Rose, and their mother Susan Hale move to Forks. The town welcomes them with open arms, Jasper's talent at football has not gone unnoticed here. They're all hoping that he can help their team finally go to the championship. He meets and becomes friends with Emmett and Edward. Emmett is soon very taken with Rose, and there's just something about Edward, something that both excites and scares Jasper. They go to a party at the beach before school starts, and he notices Edward acting sort of weird, he can't put his finger on it. One minute they're talking football, then he's shocked at what happens next....
"With your arm, we should crush them," he said bringing out the crooked grin again.
"Yeah? Do you think we'll be able to hook-up on a few long pass routes?"
His face lit up. "Hell yeah, they have one decent cornerback, but I'm faster than him." He laughed and lunged at me, but I was able to slip out of his grasp. We ran down the beach laughing and taunting each other. He finally tripped me up, falling on top of me. His green eyes were almost black as he hovered over me. Strange sensations fluttered in my stomach. Must be the fucking Jack mixing with the beer I had been drinking until Edward fucking Cullen leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine.
My entire body seized up. Was this actually happening?
"Oh fuck," he muttered. "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean...oh fuck...please Jasper...don't...I gotta go.."
He jumped off me, disappearing down the beach before I could even sit up. I ran my finger across my lips and groaned. Edward Cullen had just sort of kissed me and fuck...I kinda liked it...what the fuck did...I jumped up and started sprinting down the beach."
This is just the beginning of the relationship that blooms between the two boys. Jasper has only been with girls before, so he's very confused. But he's very attracted to Edward, and when they're alone, he seems to be all that Edward wants. Things aren't the same when others are around. This kills Jasper, he truly doesn't know what to believe. He soon starts dateing Alice, and finds it"s just not the same with her as it is with Edward. At first he feels guilty and tries to avoid being alone with Edward, but he just can't.
When Jasper returns to Forks five years later, he's surprised to learn that his mother knew about him and Edward. I love how Susan is written, she's the mom everyone wants, Warm, loving, yet she doesn't take any crap and constantly tries to get Jasper to face his past and either move on or fix it. She asks Jasper to play guitar for her not realizing he didn't bring his own. Rose tells him she'll find one he can use and he doesn't question it, until he see's it. Then he knows...
"I closed my eyes, letting a few more tears slip down my face. "It's Edward's guitar," I whispered and then I couldn't talk anymore, because my nerves were wrecked. My breath came in short spasms as I fought desperately to hold it together.
Mama sighed. "Let him go," she whispered.
"Fuck...Mama," I sobbed and then everything exploded out of me. My body shook as the waves of pain rushed through me. I buried my face into my mother's shoulder and cried. I cried because I was so fucking stupid to let him separate me from my family. Blaming him for that was ridiculous, it had been my choice not to come back to Forks for five fucking years. I cried because I was going to lose my mother and there was absolutely nothing I could do about that. I cried because it still hurt, because no matter how much I fucking hated him, I had to admit to myself that I still loved him."
This story is told in flashbacks, and it's very well written and easy to follow, not always easy with this type of storytelling. There is alot of angst, but it's so worth it in the end. All of the characters are very well developed and you feel like their friends or acquaintances and you know really well. It's such a quandary, you know Jasper and Edward shouldn't be doing what they're doing because they're both dateing other people. But honestly what they have together is so rare and deep that you see Alice and Bella in the way of that. When Bella finally finds out it's heart wrenching, not because you feel bad for her, but you see how defeated that leaves Edward. He truly loses a part of himself when Jasper leaves, his life definitely does not end up like he planned. They truly start out as two confused boys who fall in love and really don't know how to handle it. They're both very innocent and naive in the ways of the heart. They don't realize the hurt they're setting themselves up for.
"My eyes fluttered shut when Edward ran his tongue over my lips, wetting them. I gave in and let my body relax as I settled down on his chest. After five minutes of heavy kissing and tongue action, I came up for air and flipped the light on. Edward's half-lidded, lust filled eyes stared back at me. I was in serious trouble.
"Please don't say anything Jasper," he pleaded.
I pushed up off him and moved back to my side of the bed. "You've got to give me something," I whispered.
He rolled on his side encouraging me to do the same. I watched as his hand splayed across my chest, coming to rest on my heart. I'm sure he could feel my heart pounding against my rib cage.
He squeezed his eyes shut. "I've never...fuck," he hissed and clenched his jaw. "No one has ever made me feel like you do."
He looked so fucking tense and unsure. I needed to reassure him that we were both in the same boat. I placed my hand over his. "You scare the shit out of me Edward Cullen."
He gave me a small lopsided smile and rolled over on top of me.
"So, can this be our secret," he asked, pinning me beneath him.
"Who the fuck am I going to tell," I asked, raising my eyebrow.
He snorted. "When the night comes, you're mine," he said and lowered his lips to capture mine again. This time it was soft and slow, with a lot of teasing and tasting. God he tasted so good and I couldn't get enough."
Edward makes the choices he does because he feels like he owes it to everyone else to make them happy. His choices crush him and Jasper, and five years later neither are living, they're mostly just surviving. Neither seems to be able to find happiness, mostly because they had it and stupidly let it slip away. Jasper is so broken, there's so much he has given up trying to forget Edward. His mom makes him see all this, she forces him to look at it from Edwards side, and see the whole picture. She makes him realize that love is not something you can just go out and replace. She shows him a picture, of two boys obviously in love, when they thought no one else knew but them. She shows him it's more important to find love and happiness, and not worry about who it's with.
This fic is complete, and the end is perfect and bittersweet. I've read this story 3 times now, and honestly I could read it again. It's just one of those stories where you just want to characters to find their happiness and do whatever they need to do to make it back to each other. Give it a try, it will leave you wanting more.
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